Following the resignation of Jaganmohan Reddy from Congress, rumors spread over Andhra Pradesh that Jagan may tie up with actor-turned politician Chiranjeevi's party Praja Rajyam.
In a dramatic move, son of former Chief Minister YS Rajashekhara Reddy, Jaganmohan resigned from Congress on Monday, Nov 29. His mother Vijayamma also resigned the MLA post. Jaganmohan resigns, plans to launch party
In an open letter to Sonia Gandhi, Jagan accused that AICC has insulted him repeatedly for last 14 months and he has become a victim of dirty politics from his own party.
It is expected that Jaganmohan may announce the launch of his own political party in coming days. Sources close to Jagan reported that the new party may be named as YSR Congress.
Meanwhile, Jagan's supporters have started celebrations in different parts of Andhra Pradesh. They are all set to greet the new party headed by great leader YSR's son.
ReplyDeleteHello YSR fans,
ReplyDeleteNew Party needed
I think YS Jagan should not join NCP because it is also dominated by north, instead he should look for NEW PARTY.
I think he should establish
Bharath Congress Party
Dhakshina Bharathiya Congress Party after contacting 1) dhakshin bharathiya leaders like Jayalalitha, Akbar Uddin Oysi, Devagouda, congress leaders of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka etc 2) Congress party leaders of Telangana, Coastal Andhra & Rayalaseema
Bharatiya Congress Party
ReplyDeleteor Bharat Congress Party
is best with broad mind, multi use, beyond telugu peoples network etc
In 2003 YSR thought that development of telangana region would dominate seperation of state, he had tied with KCR & helped KCR with minister post & given powers to develop region, but he failed, instead of developing, KCR earned lot of money by corruption, scams the again KCR aimed at cm post of telangana seperate state & again started telangana slogan.